Friday, March 1, 2013


Yesterday I had my Patriotic performance.  My family thought I was so good.  I was proud of myself.  Then we went home and we ate dinner and went to bed.  I don't want to tell you about the meltdown I had over dinner.  I didn't eat dinner at all, because I don't like to eat dinner.  I don't like any dinner food, I just like junk food. (mom is typing this, but these are Lauren's words!)  Yesterday I also had an art lesson by Ms. Renee, she is somebody's grandma in my class (his name is Graham).  We learned how to mix colors, we learned the secondary colors.  We got to paint a lot of stuff, it was relaly fun.  We didn't get all messy in our red, white and blue clothes for the patriotic performance.
Today I drew a big smiley face in the middle of the street and wrote my name on it, then I made rosy red cheeks out of chalk and I was so proud of it.  So I wanted to show all my friends but I couldn't because we were just playing outside tonight.  Everybody was already at their houses and I couldn't have any playdates because I was already playing with Sofia Wetherhold.   I did water balloons today - my mom helped us pump some up.  My friends, Abby and Sofia, came over.  I showed Abby my password journal.  A couple days ago, I got my password journal - the password is "Lauren" but nobody can get into it even if you say "Lauren" because it only can read my voice.  I brought it in for sharing once and I let somebody else try, but they didn't work.  I also brought in my skating bag for sharing once. I  do skating every single Wednesday.  I started lessons when I was 4, but I started skating when I was 3.  My sisters don't skate because they are doing volleyball right now.  They do basketball and volleyball and soccer.  I get bored of seeing all those games, so I have to bring something to do.  It is really, really, really boring.  My mom says it's fun, but it's not fun to me.
(Lauren is typing now)
today I also did A test for speing I got sked.

( I think that reads I also did a test for spelling, I got scared)

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